Recently, I did a favor for my friend.
She had this guy, her ex-boyfriend, and she wants him back.
To win him back, she wants me to call him and explain her side and practically, do all the work to get them back together.
I don't know what I was thinking but I actually agreed to help her. It took me a while to really consider the matter. See, I never call my friends' ex-boyfriends.
I just don't see the point.
Aside from the glaring fact that "friend, he doesn't want you anymore", I don't see the point of making me talk to him when you could just pluck-up the courage to tell him whatever it is you want to tell him yourself. What's my use?
What made me do it?
She is a very, very dear friend of mine and this is the first time I ever saw her put this much love on a guy. She generally doesn't care whenever the relationship's over. I call it the "Switch". She has this amazing power of a "switch" that she can turn on and off on every relationship she had.
But this is different. She's in floods everytime I see her and God knows, I never had peace in my life ever since she and that guy broke-up. She made it a point to let me know if she's crying, sad, missing him, etc..which is basically every minute of the day.
So I took pity on her. Hell, if she really loves this guy so much, then I can grit my teeth and call this lucky guy once and for all.
It didn't turn-out so good. They did not reconcile.
Well, I must admit, the guy has his reasons. Which I cannot argue with completely, because I am not her. See! this is the main reason why I don't want to do things like this.
So I continued to be the 'messenger' -- or the 'absorber' more like -- and lived like a fed-up bridge.
They finally came to their senses last Sunday.
One event lead them to totally hate one another and decided not to talk to each other ever again.
My friend came to my house and I looked at her cautiously. I was honestly afraid she might break into pieces right into our terrace.
She didn't.
I forgot all about the "switch".