An Unwanted Proof
It is rare that I let myself get disappointed with guys -- in general.
I mean, I know that not all boys are the same and that there are some who are -- uhm-- at least a bit (or so i hope) matured.
But then again, nature has its ways to get me into a rude awakening.
For less than 2 weeks I thought I found somebody who is basically unlike any other guy. I thought I finally got to see a sensible guy who really don't go for looks alone.
A guy who can really see right through a girl's soul. Someone who is not perturbed by good looks and skinny body. Someone who is genuinely interested in getting to know a girl because she has a good mind and heart.
When I met this guy, let's call him Nicey, I thought he's kind of "harmless" for a guy with his looks. He's not Gorgeous, but he's Nice-looking -- "Decent-looking". He is ever so polite with everybody. He doesn't flirt like most of the guys in his environment do ( but now i come to think about it, he's probably not just "openly" flirting).
Although I'm not interested on him that "Romantically" I admit that I have come to really like him and --- heck, yeah, I had a crush on him.
And so I went on admiring him. Glad that I finally found a guy who's --uhmm-- how will I put it? Okay, let tell you this first. Recently, I accepted a temporary work in a company as an encoder together with four other girls. This company is actually a plantation that makes glass. What you could expect from this kind of place is that 98% of the workers there are men. So I wasn't really surprised to see these men staring at us when we go to work.
Let me tell you about the other girls. I became friends with them. We had fun together. Two of them, let's call them Giggly and Loudy, look like your high school cheerleaders -- if you know what I mean. Fair-complexioned, skinny girls who are rarely seen without make-up? That's them.
Anyway, I have no problems whatsoever with them getting most of the attention of these obnoxious, forsaken, chauvinists; what I most cared about is that Nicey treated us fairly, engineer to an encoder.
To tell you the truth, I don't know the exact thing that happened that made me open my eyes to the real situation. i guess it was 85% instinct. It's something, I am beginning to realize, that I think God gave me to protect myself from these creatures.
Okay, fine, I saw them flirting. Period.
Okay, I know that not all flirty people are bad, but I'm sorry, I just don't see the point of doing it. Nicey has a girlfriend and I just thought, "is it worth it to tarnish what you described as your 'happiest relationship' just to be able to exchange giggles and meaningful jokes with another equally hollow-headed being?"
I actually saw more things than mere flirting but I'd rather not write about those. Even to think of it makes me sick.
And so I got my unwanted proof. Unwittingly received but appreciated all the same.
Hmmnn.. I don't want to be entirely skeptical with all this so I just think that I am yet to find that one guy who would look me straight to the eye and tell me that I am the most beautiful person he'd ever met.
Ha ha!!
mars, natawa naman ako sa iyo. hamo pagnakakita ako ng matinong lalaki, share ko sa iyo. intay ka lang mga 100 years
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