Tuesday, August 09, 2005

The Secret

Finally, i discovered the truth about your indifference.

Funny how narrow-minded people can be.

I should kave known that everytime you guys eat, i should also go downstairs to watch you eat.
I should have known that the right to be quiet at times is only entitled to you.
I should have known that i cannot have my privacy for myself only.

Yeah, i'm sorry. For how many weeks have i not washed your dishes for you? One? Oh, okay, sorry. My bad.
Yes, and i did not listen to your sob stories for seven days. How evil of me.


I forgot how selfish all of you are. Silly of me.

And Kat, i thought for five glorious seconds that you finally came to your senses because you hoped that this will soon be over. But then again, you never failed to disappoint me. I thought for those seconds that you really wanted to regain the harmony between us. But no. What was your reason again? Ah yes, you're birthday's getting nearer. Right. I guess you don't have senses at all.

Well, didn't it ever occurred to those useless brains of you and your gang that my birthday is approaching too and you all are treating me this way? NO.
Didn't it ever occur to all of you that maybe - just maybe - you ought to give me even an ounce of respect to tell me what you really feel about me?
That maybe - just maybe - Mars has reasons why she failed to watch you eat that week. Like studies perhaps? My own problems? My family? My life?

You threatened the only friend i have left in that damned house not to tell me anything. You said you will talk to me anyway. When? In my dreams? Well you can erase that option now because you will not like what you will find in my unconscious.

I'm sorry again but the loyalty of my friend remains with me.

RC, i am really thankful that you became my roommate. You alone keeps me sane from the maddening enclosures of the house. Thank You.

And as for the sore losers, i am waiting for that talk.

Brace yourselves.


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